Cernisoft Gaming

The coronavirus forces Blizzard to change Hearthstone tournament

Blizzard servers suffer another DDoS attack


The coronavirus forces Blizzard to change Hearthstone tournament

The recent outbreaks of the coronavirus in China have already ignited the red spotlights in the video game industry and several companies have been affected not only in relation to their products.

This is what just happened with Blizzard and an upcoming Hearthstone tournament, which will change the place where it will take place as a preventive measure.

Blizzard unveiled today through a statement that will change the headquarters of the Masters Tour planned for Indonesia, given its proximity to the southeast region of China. This decision, as you can imagine, responds to the health emergency that is being experienced in the giant Asian country, caused by an unprecedented outbreak of the coronavirus.

“We made this decision to protect the health and integrity of the players, staff and everyone involved in the Tour. We regret not being able to celebrate the event as originally planned, but our highest priority is to ensure the safety of all participants”
Blizzard servers suffer another DDoS attack

This will represent some problems for the participants who planned to attend the Indonesian Masters Tour, so Blizzard will offer $ 250 USD to each competitor who must travel to Los Angeles and has already scheduled a flight to Indonesia. Thus, the company indicated that participants will only have to present documentation that accounts for the change in the reservation.