Cernisoft Gaming

Rumor: Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok will be announced in February and will have a female protagonist

Rumor: Assassin's Creed Ragnarok will be announced in February and will have a female protagonist

Ubisoft wants to enter through the big door with the next generation. According to the latest rumors leaked on reddit, from an alleged video game developer, the so-called Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok will be announced in February at a special PlayStation event – in which, hypothetically, details of games and hardware in the State of Play style would be given- and he will propose a massive change in playable and argumentative terms within the saga.

In the developer’s post that has leaked the information, he confirms that the video game will be set at the beginning of the first millennium of Christianity, leading us to visit locations such as Ireland, Sweden, Norway and England. The history of the video game, which will be especially mature and complex, will focus on the expansion of Christianity throughout Europe, especially in the Nordic areas, where the myths and folklore of the area will be beset by bellows. religious.